Soul Collage®

creative art therapy

When was the last time you took a few hours for yourself? In today’s busy and stressful times, we all face transitions and challenges, leaving us faced with questions like:

How should I approach this particular challenge I have?

If I decide to take this particular road ahead, what might help me and what might get in the way? What will help me take care of myself and stay healthy with all this stress?

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SoulCollage® is an intuitive collage process that helps you find guidance and clarity to these questions and at the same time, you will take some time-out, play, and have fun.

With SoulCollage®, you have gifted a wonderful way to unpack and explore who you are, what motivates you, and who you want to be. You get to explore your unique soul in both its lightness and in its shadow.

self discover and healing journey

SoulCollage® is a process that includes personal, emotional and creative experiences that develop your own wisdom in a very conscious way. You get to engage your intuition and imagination in order to create your own personalized deck of wisdom cards. As a result, your new cards reveal the many unique aspects of who you are and will lead you on a life-changing journey of self-discovery no matter where you are on your healing journey and path to greater self-awareness.

It gives your desires as well as your fears and discomforts a voice where it didn’t exist before while being very enjoyable.

You get to explore your unique soul in both its lightness and in its shadow.

Nourishment Vitality enables a permanent shift and sustainable change

Book your free 15-minute assessment