Making Health & Wellness a High-Priority Change to your Ecosystem
When an individual or a team or even a CEO is not able to show up mentally, emotionally, and even possibly physically at work because they’re overstressed and under pressure, it affects everyone and everything:
- production
- creativity
- morale
- employee retention protocols
- performance
- job satisfaction & more
Knowing how to manage stress and practice self-care & wellness protocols is an important dynamic and collective awakening in today’s work environment.
The question to ask is now what?
How can we Effectively Educate with the Correct Tools & Strategies in our Communities & Ecosystems?
Nourishment Vitality’s HIGH IMPACT ONLINE LIVE MASTERCLASS SERIES provides expertise in:
- stress
- anxiety
- burnout
- soft-skills enhancement
- & nutrition-related health concerns
We understand the tremendous importance for corporates, groups, and individuals to have the correct strategies, structure, and systems in place to ensure a productive healthy environment & lifestyle choice.
It is time for a smarter approach.
At Nourishment Vitality we “bridge that gap between prevention & stress-induced conditions by empowering through online health education”
Nourishment Vitality’s High Impact Online Live Masterclass Series
- Key to this masterclass series is addressing the significant evidence that there is a strong connection between well-being & productivity.
- The mental & physical are closely linked & the one will always affect the other.
- Adopting healthier lifestyle choices will also increase work satisfaction, and morale, while peaking performance and opportunities
Ready to meet the challenge? Then you are in the right place!
Nourishment Vitality’s High Impact Online Live Masterclass series objectives include:-
- Understanding the importance of how your mind and body work together
- Conflict resolution and establishing healthy boundaries
- The impact of hidden stressors on the mind & body and their triggers
- Implementing a mindset of self-care
- Roll out strategies to become more effective and efficient in your personal & professional life
- Cultivating healthy habits to support less stress & an increase in productivity
- Guided through a series of techniques & strategic thinking activating your energy to accelerate your performance
- Upgrade to soft-skills protocols
How Nourishment Vitality can Help
Our objective with our High Impact Online Live Masterclass Series has been carefully curated to help YOU incorporate a psychology of wellness perspective into your life, your workplace, and your communities.
Nourishment Vitality addresses all these important issues by providing smart strategies verified by the best of mind-science, correct nutrition & psychology practices.
We have to get it now “our health is our wealth” or is it “ our wealth is our health”?
Step 1

Nourishment Vitality enhancing wellness & soft-skills protocols where it counts most with our High Impact Online Live Masterclass Series
W.H.O 1948 “Health is a state of complete mental, social & physical well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”
Nomzamo Gcwensa: South Africa “It’s giving us an opportunity for us to create our own organisational wellness plan.”
Charlene Roberson: South Africa “This has been an enlightening session. Mental health is so needed, and if you don’t take the time now to look after yourself, you are going to pay the price later to fix your mental health.”
Sabita Pun: Nepal “I feel like I am in my counseling session. I am so happy that health and well-being are covered. This has been a hidden subject in so many organizations, and I feel this is a much-needed topic to talk about. They say Health is wealth, and YES it is.”
Shyamala Gomez: Sri Lanka “Again, lots of amazing ideas to follow up on. Thank you. Will implement a few ideas immediately.”
Dorcas Ingosi: Kenya “Wow, I have now started to focus on myself I think have been living for other people. Thanks a lot for this refreshing topic that we have lacked at the workplace”.
“Wow, these are mind-blowing lessons in regard to health and wellness”.
Simon Omali: Uganda “The session has really been very informative and could easily be customized to help leaders and Organisations improve their health”.
Raul Maza: Mexico “One day at a time to be healthier in mind and body! We can’t strengthen our communities if we are not strong in mind and body”.
Riing Garwech: South Sudan “Very wonderful and informative class on our proposal health and physical well-being! Thanks very much, dear facilitators!”
Paschal Achunine: Nigeria “Rest and sleeping well is key for me; taking annual and periodic holidays in my social entrepreneur journey is critical for me going forward.”
Dorty Wallace:”It’s a great idea to have a Health and Wellness Policy because it will help us understand what our staff are going through and how we can handle them. Am glad this policy will cater for the overall well-being of each individual and the team members as a whole. This will equate to better productivity, reducing absenteeism, lowering stress, and allowing employees to unleash more creativity at work.”
Masterclass Participants
I am Silverio Wafula from Magical Kenya, working with organization called Child rescue Kenya and also a founder of CBO called Pete cole Development initiatives situated in Bungoma County, western Part of Kenya.
I have used an imagery of unoffloaded truck to express my sincere gratitude to Steve & Sheryl for the great insight and healing they have created in my life. Before the class, I was like overloaded truck, struggling to navigate corners and climbing hills. I had a lot on my desk to chew, I was feeling like breaking and I think it was a sign of burnt-out. I was less productive, pretending to be too busy but nothing to show at the end of the day. I realized that my response to my fellow colleagues was unbecoming, pretending to be too nice, and a good ‘worker ‘who can solve everything for everyone.
I used to go to bed at 1.00 Am and by 4.00 Am I am already up. To make the matter worse, I used to spend most the time either checking emails, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and I will only afford to sleep for just an hour.
Now the truck is offloaded after going through the class, I now sleep for 7hrs, have created my personal time to relax, I do exercise every morning, I also practice breathing exercises and include in my lectio Divina when conducting prayer.
Before conducting any training, I always use breathing exercises to participants, and they have come to appreciate it. I can fully say that I am a free person, my engagement with clients has been of quality and I feel alive.
Thank you so much Steve and Sheryl for this beautiful engagement, Thanks for re-energizing me.
Silverio Wafula
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Sheryl and Steve and learn from their experience and knowledge.
The workshops enlighten me on facts I did not know and helped me understand more the importance of wellness.
To be honest, I do know why I want to be where I want to be in terms of weakness. I have set goals and visioned what it will look like when im there.
I also know *what* I need to do, to get there.
My challenge is fitting the activities in my life. Better say, prioritising my wellness.
During the workshops I learnt some ways I can implement in my life. Some I do, like meditation. Some are in my to-do list. I really wanted to go back to walk in the morning, however the weather here, since the last training is cold and rainy, which makes it difficult to leave home.
I think now I know more and have more tools and ideas on how to improve my wellness.
More than anything, Steve and Sheryl class gave me assurance that I am on a right path. The way they encompasses all the causes, the symptoms and the behavior together, paint a picture that shows where I am and what I should do. I found that i am in an okay place, obviously some work is still needs to be done and more commitments to myself would be nice. From the lectures I endorse open communication, active relaxation (yoga, meditation) and prioritization. Siyabonga, Toda, Thank you 🙏
Thank you very much Steve and Sheryl
Yael Uzan-Tidhar, from Nhloso Likusasa Le’lichakazile, a non profit organisation in Eswatini
Thank you so much, Steve & Sheryl! So many things you’ve talked about have really resonated with me; some have confirmed recent steps I’ve taken, and you’ve certainly inspired me (and shown me how) to keep making positive changes!
Sheryl and Steve understand precisely the various wellness challenges we are facing, and they have a way of illuminating basic concepts and strategies that make perfect sense. They break things down into manageable nuggets of information and make it easy to find ways to adapt your daily practices to incorporate habits that improve your sense of well-being. The breathing exercise is particularly useful!”
Rachel from Mauritius
It was great listening to Sheryl and Steve. It was amazing learning from their wealth of knowledge
I was finding it difficult to sleep well and sometimes I go to bed very late and I always woke up feeling pains all over my body.
After the masterclass, I was able to put to use some of the strategies I learned especially on how to get a good night sleep by going to bed early, practicing breathing exercises, and eating right.
Now I sticked going to bed by 10.30 pm except on days I have midnight prayers.
I also drank more water now which I find very difficult to do before and now I feel lighter and more productive. The body pains are gradually fading away.
I would also want to add that setting boundaries has been very helpful, though it wasn’t easy at first, I sometimes feel guilty but Sheryl and Steve’s voices kept reflecting, I stood my ground because I believe I need it for myself and my mental health and it has become effective.
Thank you so much Sheryl and Steve
Chinelo Bridget Enukora Founder of Unstoppable Builders Initiative from Nigeria
- An incredible Masterclass today! Powerful resources for the NGO Leader! Thank you!
- I’m taking notes on boundaries. Love the suggestions being given
- I definitely need to make boundaries with certain situations
- Yesterday’s one was hitting home!
- As we speak I am in that situation, many things going through and some are caused by what exactly was shared yesterday, failing to set boundaries!
- I would say after the class I have identified some situations to tackle! Hope to have positive testimony with great developments! Thanks Sheryl & Steve
- I was impressed yesterday during the training. I used breathing exercises before & after training & the result was phenomenal.I thank Steve & Sheryl Puterman for empowering us with this powerful information
- From this Masterclass, I have managed to create space for myself to rest. I have created boundaries. This has enabled me to be effective. Thank you Steve & Sheryl for instilling the knowledge in us.
- Thank you so much, I needed today’s session
- “Don’t lose hope when conflict clashes. Develop a growth mindset to solve your conflict and maintain cordial working relationships among your team and get the best deliverables in your organization.The lessons yesterday were fantastic!”
- “Wow yesterday was that day, the knowledge acquired was great. For me, it came timely”