About our Co-Founder
Sheryl Puterman
Thank you for taking the time to read more about our Co-Founder & Nourishment Vitality

I am Sheryl & I bring years of wisdom, knowledge, and practical strategies into my practice.
While I do have many years of formal training under my belt. I know my true expertise comes from being an authority in the university of life.
“I have lived a life”
Personal growth is not always easy.

I get it! I have been in your shoes.
Through my own life’s adversity and challenges I learned to embrace my journey, find my voice and turn my weaknesses into my greatest strengths.
A mom of two gorgeous sons. Already having lived on three different continents, I have been blessed to have had wonderful masters along the way in what I call “my life’s journey”.
My family and I are survivors of the 2004 Asian Tsunami. It left a major imprint on my life and has given me a very deep understanding of human vulnerability and of living in the moment.
Having worked in the health & wellness industry for many years, I was always trusted by my clients with their health, beauty, and emotional needs. I truly understand the mind-body connection and feel very blessed to have helped so many appreciate their authentic beauty.
These many years of experience have highlighted to me many common themes about what we collectively experience with our life challenges. So often, this theme is “STRESS”

Have you ever noticed how stress feels in your body?
Stressing out about weight or body image may have been the main topic of conversation with friends, – Do you remember the first time you felt aware of how your body looked? When it was no longer about playing and hugging and dancing (as a kid) and it became about something else…
As a young girl, I remember sitting on my bed and thinking that when I see the world through loving eyes the world must become a loving place for me.
I know that is true to this day.

Perhaps it might not have been one momentous occasion, but most of us can think back on times we looked in the mirror and had the desire to change what we saw.
At some point, we started to assign value to how we looked and to feel worthier of love and acceptance. If we could somehow fit the beauty norms of the time… Be thinner, Be prettier, Be stronger, Be…something else.

Girls as young as five years old are aware of their bodies now more than ever and even going on diets!
If I could have sent a message to my younger self , I would tell her :-
“The joy is in the journey of trying, failing, experiencing small wins, trying again, getting further along, learning new things.
Embracing all of your imperfections is part of that journey.
I believe our relationship to our bodies, and so our relationship to our lives, has to change.
…and that’s what we do together, because you deserve a better approach.
Coaching from the heart

Through my own life’s adversities, I reached a time in my life when I realized that I have a story to tell, and I wanted to help others with issues that I have experienced and healed through.
My experience with intense uncertainty in the face of a natural disaster left me with a very. deep understanding of human vulnerability. This led me on a path of devoting years to studying and completing multiple courses & training.
This further enabled my healing, career, and turned my weaknesses into my greatest strengths

By cutting through those self-imposed limiting beliefs of what I can & cannot achieve. I became committed to doing the mental work, the emotional work, and the inner work. The practical and physical work then became much easier.
Founding my own business and brand has been, and continues to be an exciting, challenging, and emotional journey. I am so proud of turning some of my greatest weaknesses into my strengths, finding my voice, and pushing past that comfort zone.
My many years of experience have taught me so much. I am able to help clients bring to the outside the inner beauty they are finally discovering in themselves.

It’s a worthwhile journey, so pack your bags! The lessons are in it all. From living on three different continents, marriage, raising two sons, surviving a natural disaster, overcoming overwhelming anxiety, to overcoming a dysfunctional relationship with food. It was all-important to get here today.
I used to feel not good enough, and now I have complete faith in my ability to achieve any goal and to make a difference.

- Mind-Body Nutrition Coach – Institute for the Psychology of Eating (The world’s leading school in nutritional psychology)
- Conscious Relationship Training – Institute for the Psychology of Eating
- Licensed and trained Facilitator in Soul Collage®
- Skin and Body Care Therapy -Camelot International Health and Skin Care
- Makeup Design – Institute of Practitioners in Therapy International
- The Art of Makeup- Face to Face International make up design school
- Aesthetician – Confederation of International Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology
- Multiple training’s, workshops and guidance from some of the world’s leading masters in stress , stress management & breathing techniques

Every struggle was my new teacher from which I learned this major lesson. Too many humans, like you and me, are taught to see our struggles with self-sabotaging behavior and unhealthy habits through the lens of shame, guilt, regret, and anger.
It’s time to stop the cycle…
I believe we need more shame-free approaches to wellness. At Nourishment Vitality we are able to provide safe and sacred spaces for authenticity and truth to show up. Lighten up by letting go of what no longer serves you.
It’s to time to break free and thrive. Accelerate your energy to peak your potential and maximize your performance

I set out to make a difference. Self-study, formal certifications, seminars, and finally taking on the role of Entrepreneur, Founder, CEO, Author, Teacher, Coach, and International Speaker
I work with some of the most common health challenges of our times dealing with stress, stress management, anxiety, mood & fatigue. I also work with food and body challenges including weight management, wellness, binge eating, overeating, body image, stress relief, and various nutrition-related health concerns.
We educate and create sustainable lasting healthy habits and lifestyles.