There are 5 Main Reasons to consider Nourishment Vitality Wellness Programs


Helps achieve a perfect wellness balance.

You’ll learn a shame free model, reversing old beliefs to create a permanent shift for wellness. In addition, also eliminate nutritional confusion and chaos, dismantle the willpower myth and help you empower your life with a long-term sustainable approach .

Moderate Mindset

You will re-learn a new way of thinking, producing more balance with new habits.

Personalized Wellness Program

The program is tailored and focused on what is right for you, bringing unique guidance for your age, body type, issues, and lifestyle.

Reality Check

You’ll slow down and objectively ask yourself what is real, re-assigning values to where it matters so your self-worth and self-esteem are maximizing your potential.

Responsible for Your Actions

You’ll recognize that you are not a victim but are in complete control—so you are willing to take control and action .

Reduce Brain Fog

When you eat late, overindulge in unhealthy habits & behaviors, your body feels sluggish and your mind feels clouded, so by recognizing and eliminating this behavior, you create awareness, increased clarity, and overall wellbeing.

looking at horizon through glasses

Identifies the Root Cause

You’ll understand…

Daily Stressors & Triggers

Identifying and understanding the cause and effect factors of your daily routine and challenges, allows you to lift the weight of stress, feel empowered and recognize your own individual stressors before they take over and ruin your day, with an emphasis on wellness.

Basis of Harmful Long-Term Habits

Recognizing your repetitive behaviors and undesirable responses which have become detrimental to your health, you will be cultivating new habits and healthier lifestyle changes.

Coping Strategies

You will relearn new effective methods to minimize your stressful challenges that are nourishing for both mind, body, and wellness.

Your Story Matters

Your life’s journey reveals your most powerful personal insights, purpose and appreciation. You will feel encouraged towards self-discovery, wellness and growth.

piece of paper with mindfulness written on it

Teaches Kind Mindfulness

You’ll understand…

Self-Compassion and Acceptance

By being kind and aware of yourself, your feelings and bodily sensations in the present moment, will bring more compassion into your practices so you are no longer dominated by stress and fear.

Insightful Inspiration

Taking a deeper dive into the heart of an issue and exploring from within, will give you a clearer understanding and creative solutions to experience more freedom.


You will receive full consideration of a shame-free, authentic and compassionate environment where you can tell the truth about your whole story-learning from your experiences and creating opportunities for  wellness ,growth and self-improvement .

Finding Peace with Food

Disrupting old beliefs and systems of diet and weight obsessions by understanding that you are so much more than what you eat will allow you to feel more relaxed and make a difference in the way you feel.

Woman with healthy eating habits

Helps you Develop Healthy Wellness Habits.


Family Participation

A family’s support and respect around health, nutrition, food and body image is encouraged, improving stronger, more understanding communication and supportive relationships within your family.

Incorporating a Lunch Box Audit

You will create a meal checklist, so you become more aware of food intake choices and the effect on your physical wellbeing.

Impact on Body Wellness and Metabolism

The positive effects of stress relief techniques improve your emotional metabolism. Nourishing foods and choices will have significant positive results on your metabolism, digestion, health, and performance.

happy and motivated person

Uses the Best of Mind Science.

You’ll understand…

Incorporating  Research

By combining the best of psychology and nutrition and the fascinating connections between brain, body and behavior will bring you a far healthier system of metabolic efficiency and awareness.

Holistic Wellness Approach

Recognizing and understanding the connections between all the characteristics and elements that make us human (body, mind, heart and soul) will enhance your ability to maximize your potential living with more power, purpose and freedom.

Linking Health to Productivity

Significant evidence supports the idea that there is a strong connection between wellbeing and productivity, so by adopting a healthier lifestyle you will have increased work satisfaction and morale and peak your performance and opportunities.

All while using a Systematic Wellness
Step-by-Step Plan

Using the most long-term, sustainable approach to effect real and permanent change.

PCP ™ Approach

You will take pride in your achievements, exercise compassion (with caring and self-forgiveness for self-sabotaging patterns) that results in a permanent shift in your lifestyle to provide a sustainable change.

One Habit at a Time

You’ll focus on one goal at a time so you are less likely to feel overwhelmed and will reach your larger goals quicker.

At Your Own Pace

Setting your own rhythm at a speed that is comfortable for you, allows you to achieve your desired goals while fitting in with your wellness lifestyle.

Together Step-by-Step

You are not alone—but are led through a carefully curated and structured plan with guidance, compassion, and care, with an accountability partner.

What’s Holding You Back?

Now that you have seen some of the advantages of Nourishment Vitality Coaching, what’s holding you back.

Picture This


So, feeling stuck and working from home with “zoom fatigue and you know your “next shift “is about to begin. So family, cleaning, dinner, checking emails, the list is endless. All you can think of is going into the freezer and finishing off those last 2 tubs of ice-cream and then some. You do this every night until it is now a habit.

Your clothes are feeling tight, you’re feeling sluggish, and you have brain fog.  Stressed, feeling like a willpower weakling. In other words, you’re thinking of chasing another false fix !!

You are back there again, stressing out! 

Lady crying in her hands from lack of weight loss


Life With Nourishment Vitality Programs…
You take a deeper dive and experience the magic of a breakthrough and shape shift your old thoughts, patterns, and beliefs. And this time you adapted to a healthy work-life balance.

You are keeping yourself in balance both mentally and physically. Not only that, now you are intentional about developing healthy habits. You wake up refreshed with a good night’s stress-free sleep. In addition, there’s a spring in your step and an increase in both personal and work productivity.

Life is good!!!

Lady on the beach in her happy place after weight loss



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